We ❤️ Huron County!

Together we can make it an even better place to live & work!


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How are we going to do that?

Our mission is to connect local businesses with local citizens who want to support growth in our communities.

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small business + local investors = growth in Huron County


Grow your business

With funding from your local community.


Invest in Huron County

You can start investing in our community for as little as $100.

Let’s grow Huron County Together!

Take pride in the fact you helped a local business & your community grow.


Get funding for your small business

We are partnering with Honeycomb Credit to help small businesses in Huron County find funding to start or grow their businesses with local crowdfunded investing. Learn more about getting funded here.

Invest in Huron County

You don’t need big money to start investing in your local community. With as little as $100 you can help bring new things to your area and help create jobs along the way. Learn more about investing here.


Small Business Owners

Raise $15,000 to $500,000+ for your project!


Local Investors

Earn 5-12%+ interest with an initial investment as low as $100!